After reading
Lifehacker's excellent ideas for Quicsilver triggers , I decided to come up with a few of my own that were inspired by the post.
Of the 9 posted on the site, the one I found the most useful was the trigger that moved an application to the applications folder.
From there I decided that there were 3 other places that I moved files to regularly.
These were:
School Documents
I made the same basic set up and used Ctrl-alt-cmd + D, S, and T respectively.
I also realized that this setup would be great to move various files and text clippings to my Inbox to be processed later.
A while ago, about six months after getting my laptop, I set up an Automator application called "Launcher" that just launches all the tedious applications that I like to use without thinking about whether they are active or not. These include: Activity Monitor, an iTunes controller, a multiple desktop controller and more. The benefit to doing this is that when logging into my computer, it isn't slowed down by trying to launch everything at once (due to the fact that Automator waits for one action to be finished before starting another, e.g.: series v. parallel)
Thus I created one last trigger: Cmd-alt-ctrl + L to launch these with one keystroke.
Finally, I created a trigger to print out certain items in a folder I have cleverly titled: To Print.
I did this by first creating an Automator application titled: Print which consists of two parts
1) Get Specified Finder Items (Done by just dragging the folder into the workflow)
2) Print Finder Items (found under Finder actions)
I think that at school I will end up using this application/trigger to print off my homework and my daily agenda every morning so that it is ready to go when I wake up.
What interesting triggers have you come up with that you use frequently?